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A member registered Aug 30, 2021

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I'm hesitant to ask this but, is this VN still alive and active?

Really don't mean to sound negative but, is this VN still active? 

Quick Question


Does the bad route where Soichi is too sexually pushy and aggressive end with the scene of the MC crying in bed?   Or is there another update to it? 

Sorry, I'll see if I can edit it

(1 edit)


and I have a tentative theory.


The sexy demon was Cargan this whole time or was him to some degree.  he was possessing him as a child when him and the main character first met.

Never mind I found it ;)

By the way, can anyone please explain to me how you get Nomax's path? 

Thanks for the clarification, love your VN and I wish you the best.

By the way, is there any route content with Nomax yet?

(1 edit)

How the hell didn't I discover this absolute gem of a game earlier?  Its artwork and writing are beautiful, and I can't wait for the next installment.


I'm getting an unusual warning from my computer whenever I try and download the latest build, a warning saying that the file is suspicious and possibly virus carrying.  It's probably just my PC being overly cautious like normal, but can anyone else who has already downloaded it verify whether the public build is safe please?

Am a member of your Patreon, so I got this news slightly earlier, but I am still equally psyched seeing it here and can't wait for the new content and art.

Thanks for the clarification

Quick question, is there any new content in terms of Rhoun's route?  


By new content I mean, after Rhoun frantically comes and gets you from the doctor's office, is there more content after that point?  Just curious.

Thanks for the clarification, I look forward to seeing where this VN goes!

Fair enough, but I just felt that it was a bit out of character of Marruk, and I hope there is at least some dialogue in the future VN acknowledging and even apologizing for it.  But again, love the VN and won't stop supporting it regardless of whether or not this is included.  


Love everything about the VN so far but had one minor pet peeve in my opinion, When Marruk calls the main character (who I've named Isaac) the doctor's new 'toy', that seemed particularly mean spirited and cruel.  I get that he's supposed to be suspicious and untrusting of Isaac at first, the VN does a great job at explaining and justifying why he needs to put the safety of the station and his own species before anything else.  I also get that he's being portrayed, in very effective and well-written manner, to be under an immense amount of stress and frustration, especially with him feeling like no one is taking his professional opinion into account.  Yet, him referring to Isaac as a 'toy' just seems uncharacteristically cruel and spiteful, and (please correct me if I'm wrong) he never really apologizes or even acknowledges it in the VN so far.  To be clear, I am not trying to nitpick or crap on this VN in any regard, I love it so far and have found everything from its art style to its setting, to its character development completely capturing and enjoyable.  I also don't want to dissuade any potential new readers from trying this VN, I would in fact encourage them experience what this VN has, as of now, to offer and to come to their own conclusion regarding what I previously mentioned.  Anyway, sorry for the wall of text, just wanted to voice a minor irk, one that is in no way going to keep me from supporting this project wholeheartedly and see how everyone else in this community felt.

I want to recommend this VN to a friend, but I have to know first, is there currently, or is there any plans for explicit of NSFW material included?  I don't mind either way, but I don't want to make a recommendation without knowing what's in store.  Would appreciate any info creator or fanbase.

Didn't the author say something on their Twitter account about how they were planning on starting up this VN again? 

Sorry but I'm not entirely sure what you mean 

Loving the VN so far but I won't lie, if the developers are trying to make me feel anything but annoyance and anger for the Baron then... they have their work cut out for them.  But I'm still excited to see where the story goes, and I do believe that anyone who is creative enough to dream up this VN may have a chance.

Just to be clear, the game is on a hiatus, but hasn't been officially and permanently cancelled, right?

I came into this game with admittedly low expectations, but I now regret judging it so soon because I've started to be charmed and captivated by this VN's writing and character style.  Definitely looking forward to the future updates.

Is the newest build out on Patreon?

So is this VN permanently canceled?  Or is the author just taking a break? 

Thanks for the clarification 

Will this VN have any NSFW content?

Hi again, I recently became a subscriber to your Patreon, but I'm still not able to download the latest build, could I ask you a few questions to clarify it?

Edit:  I also posted this request under the Patreon post of the build, so feel free to respond to either of these inquiries whenever you can.

When you say that the first build is dropping soon, what do you mean? 

Hey two quick questions about the VN, the first one is if there will be NSFW content at any point in it?  The second question I have is that should I become a tier 2 Patreon member, would I have access to the latest build of the game that is compatible with Windows?

No worries, thanks for the follow up.  I look forward to trying your work

I'll try that 

Hey, I'm completely new to this VN and I'm having issues with downloading it, is there a version of it that is compatible with Windows?

To be honest I downloaded this VN on a whim thinking that it would be a decent way to kill a few hours' worth of boredom.  Because of this I initially didn't have any real expectations for this VN in terms of its quality and content.  I have to say that having played all that is available I now can't believe that I was so quick to dismiss this VN.  I'm not saying that it is perfect, or that it has no room for improvement, but I truly believe that this VN is one that has immense potential.  I look forward to seeing how it grows and evolves in the future and I wish the creator(s) all possible luck in this process.

Will this game at any point in the future be available to the public for no charge? And will there be NSFW and/or explicit content in this VN?

Can I ask a quick question? 

Does this game contain NSFW scenes?